A Taste of Home

It's always nice to return home to Pennsylvania. But while I enjoy visiting my family and friends, I'm really sneaking out my "Taste of Home" list and checking items off one by one.

 For example, my all time favorite potato chips are only found in Pennsylvania. And oh, they are simply divine! Middleswarth, how I love thee!

A few weeks ago, I drove through PA with my oldest daughter. I told her that you know when you're definitely in PA when you go to a buffet and they serve pickled eggs. My Great Aunt Erma used to make pickled eggs for our family holiday meals and throughout the summer too. They're not only pretty, but a delicious tangy treat.

Another absolute must - a stop at OIP. (That's Original Italian Pizza for y'all not from Pennsylvania). No need for toppings. Just grab a slice of classic cheese and your taste buds will thank you.

Anyone traveling through PA absolutely must stop for a cheesesteak sub. There's only one state that makes them right - and you have to go to a local bar to get the best. My fave location is The Old Corner in Lock Haven. My order always includes grilled onions and green peppers, mayo, lettuce, tomato, and crushed red peppers. No matter what toppings you prefer, be sure to try the crushed red peppers!

 So these are a few of my faves from my personal Taste of Home Tour. What delicious treats do you enjoy when you return to your hometown?

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Lisa Swinton said...

Guess since you're so busy taste testing that baby hasn't arrived yet! Enjoy!