Last week (Week #2), our goal was to create a life plan.
Now, this isn't a where I want to be in five years plan. It's more of a motivational mission statement about who I am, what my talents & skills are, and how I bless myself and others kind-of-thing. That chapter of the book has several questions for the reader to answer which help you to do an in-depth evaluation. I used my journal and answered all the questions first from my perspective. Then I pulled out my patriarchal blessing and answered the questions again from the things that are contained there.
I absolutely LOVE my Life Plan statement. It's so me! Of course, after it was written, edited, then edited again, I decided to make it all cute - another reflection of me. Here it is. Note: You may need to click on the image to make it larger. =)
I think everyone should create a life plan. I posted mine next to my desk so I can read it every day.