This was the first year I've been invited to attend the LDS Bookseller's Association (LDSBA) Convention. And yes, it's a by invitation only event for authors. Authors who have had recently published books and who have books that will be released in the next six months might be invited to attend the event. Lynn and I were lucky enough to score coveted entry tickets.
The purpose of the LDSBA convention is for publishers and vendors display their recent and upcoming products for book store owners and managers to browse and place orders for their store inventories.
First, can I just say wow? I had absolutely no idea there were so many product vendors that made and distributed the products found in a book store. It was incredible! Everyone from artists, jewelry, book marks, cards, ties (oh yes, I discovered the AWESOMEST ties EVER!), food storage, t-shirts, trendy women's clothing, cute signs, crafty items, pens, bakery items . . . and the list literally goes on and on and on. And that doesn't include the different publishers who attend as well. It was fun to wander around and chat with the vendors on display. I met a ton of wonderful people, some of whom I'm going to interview and share giveaways on my blog. Yeah! =)
After the vendor displays (which was all day long), there was a mix and mingle for authors and bookstore owners. It's kind of like speed dating, only way more fun! It was so fun to talk to the bookstore owners - most of which already carried our book and who had some great stories from their customers. Happiness! Lynn and I chatted with them about setting up events and signings. It was truly great, great fun!
Another awesome part of LDSBA is having the opportunity to see a bunch of your writer friends. It's one of the best highlights for me since I live so far away from all my Utah writer friends. It's like a mini family reunion (cause the huge family reunion is at the Storymakers Writers Conference!).
So, here are some pics with me and my awesome writer friends. Enjoy!
Oh no! It's Jacob Marley, coming to haunt Lynn & I! |
Some awesome Authors Incognito chicks: Theresa Sneed, Betsy Love, Danyelle Ferguson, Lynn Parsons, and Tristi Pinkston |
Me & the incredible Tyler Whitesides, author of Janitors. I'm so thrilled about his success! |
My book at the Cedar Fort Publishing display!!! |
I just had to get my picture taken with Scott Wright . . . just to taunt my hubby. Wahahahaha! I got to hang out with Scott and you didn't! =) |
The true reason why Scott is so cool - his AWESOME other half, author Julie Wright! |
Me and my fabulous friend, Lisa Mangum, author of the Hourglass Door Trilogy. |
I finally got to meet Dennis Gaunt in person! He's absolutely hilarious! No wonder I enjoyed his book so much! Bad Guys of the Book of Mormon (written by a truly fun guy!) |