So Much Awesomeness to Share!

Oh my! If you follow me on Facebook or Twitter, then you know this week has been busy, busy, busy! Are you ready for a bunch of fun news and links? Well, let's get started then! 

QOTC Giveaways

Don't forget to enter to win the finale of The Hourglass Door series: The Forgotten Locket by Lisa Mangum. The giveaway ends Sunday night.

(dis)Abilities and the Gospel Blog Tour Giveaways: Don't forget to comment during on the blog tour reviewers posts for a chance to win some $25 Amazon gift cards.The blog tour schedule is posted here.

This week's (dis)Abilities and the Gospel book reviews

June 6th: Book Reviewer Sheila Staley from LDS Women's Book Review said,

"I was Primary President for four years. During those years I had the opportunity to work with many children, many of those with special need . .  There wasn’t a lot of information available to help me and my counselors to know how to help these children at the time. So when I read the book, (dis) Abilities and the Gospel: How to Bring People with Special Needs Closer to Christ, I knew that this book was inspired. As I read the book, I was so excited to see how Danyelle and Lynn have provided so much information for those working with people that have special needs. The wonderful thing about this book is that even though it is written for people in the LDS church, the ideas will work for anyone of any religion." Read the full review here. 

June 7th: Author & Book Review Tristi Pinkston said,

"With autism rates skyrocketing and other forms of cognitive disorders also increasing, this book is needed like never before. I applaud Lynn and Danyelle for their excellent work in this field and cannot tell you enough what a valuable resource you will find in this book."  Read the full review here. 

 June 9th: Special Needs Mom & Blogger Tamera Westhoff said,

"I completely LOVE this book!  I think there should be at least one in every stake and ward building to have as a reference!  It's perfect for parents, teachers, leaders equally!  It even helps for not only those with (dis)abilities but those that are "typical."  Fantastic!  I like the short chapters with tons of information and the way the coauthors work together to talk in their forte." Read the full review here. 

Media Interviews

I was spotlighted about being autism and parenting over on You can read the three part series here:

Win a Copy of (dis)Abilities and the Gospel

There are two giveaways occurring right now. Hop on over and enter to win!

Book Giveaways blog: This giveaway ends on June 12th!

Summer Time Treasure Hunt  Note: My book's date is June 17th. But you need to enter in advance. The 17th is when the winner will be chosen.

This week has been exciting and fun! I'm looking forward to the upcoming weeks. And hey, all my Texas friends, I'll be signing in Dallas and Fort Worth on June 18th. Check out my website for locations and times.

Have a wonderful, fabulous weekend!

Would you like to comment?

Matthew Tandy said...

That's a lot of awesomeness for one blog Danyelle! Especially the spotlight!

Donna K. Weaver said...

Wonderful, Danyelle. That must make you feel gratified that your book has made such a difference for these people.