"As the father of a girl with a chromosome disorder, I am acutely aware of the special needs these children have. While my daughter has had some fantastic teachers and church leaders, most people–especially in a volunteer church environment–simply lack the knowledge and skills that could really help them connect with and teach her. To be honest, as a parent I often felt I shared that lack of knowledge and skills, and didn’t really know how to help the teachers help my child . . . Today I showed (dis)Abilities and the Gospel to several of her future leaders, and they were all very excited about the book and the information it contains. I am grateful that I can share the wonderful information in this book with them." Read the full review here.
This is the last scheduled review for June. Don't forget to go to the June book review sites and leave a comment to enter to win a $25 Amazon gift card. You can find the list of reviewers on my website.
The June winner will be announced on Thursday.
Please send me an email with your book preference and snail mail address by Wednesday. Thank you!