The last time I was in Texas, I almost got run over by a cowboy in a great big huge truck. Here's hoping me and my little Ford Focus return to sweet ol' Kansas City unscathed!
Please come join Lynn and I at one of our two signings:
Saturday, June 18th from 11 am - 2 pm
Moon's Book Store
1482 Preston Forest Square
Dallas, TX 75230
Saturday, June 18th from 4 pm - 7 pm
Barnes & Noble
Sundance Square
401 Commerce Street
Fort Worth, TX 76102
And just for a little added incentive, we'll have chocolate and possibly even (dare I say it, lest my personal trainer is reading this blog post . . . ) Yes. Cookies may make an appearance. Yummy cookies (ooh, I wonder if we can serve Oreos and milk? I feel a craving coming on!)
I hope you've been following the (dis)Abilities and the Gospel reviews - and leaving comments for a chance to win an Amazon gift card. =) This week I had some truly wonderful reviews - and some surprise news too!
On Tuesday, June 14th - Ashlee over at Topsy Turvy Cakes gave a wonderful and very honest review. Ashlee is an incredible cake designer (seriously, go check out her site!). Here's a bit she had to say about DAG:
"I’ve never done a book review on my site, so I know it’s not something any of you guys would expect from me. BUT when I was approached about this book I couldn’t say no. You all know my oldest three, my husband and most likely my youngest and soon to be youngest have Aspergers. This means a lot of things to me. I can’t sum up all of aspergers easily. It’s too big and so different for each person and I hate to generalize it . . .
My favorite chapter is how to write and create a profile of your child(ren) to give to teachers and church leaders. I’ve tried to explain to teachers and leaders in the past about my kids but I haven’t been able to get it right. I feel like I haven’t touched on the right points and missed important information and also made somethings that aren’t a big deal sound worse, even scaring off the teachers. This chapter brought up some amazing and simple points, and I’m sure I can be more concise and prepare teachers and leaders better from now on. I’m SO excited to get started, especially because we just got new leadership and teachers for all the kids at church! Perfect timing for me!"
Ashlee had so much more to share about her perspective on Asperger's and the book. You can read the full review here.
So, like I said, Ashlee is an incredible cake designer. She has thousands of people who watch her blog. And, lucky me, an online magazine spotlighted her review. Thank you, PulpLit!
I, of course, tweeted about the review . . . and another online magazine, Resources for Asperger's Disorder, also picked up and spotlighted Ashlee's review. Thank you!
Then to round out the day (yes, this all happened in one day!), I received a Tweet from my co-author that Rev. Dr. Jon M. Walton, the Senior Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in New York City, mentioned our book during his sermon about individuals with special needs.
Also, Tristi Pinkston interviewed me on her blog and asked me more questions about Autism and my advice to parents whose children have been newly diagnosed. You can read the interview here.
Friday, June 17th (today), Heather Justesen will post her review about DAG. I'll be hopping over there Friday night after I arrive in Dallas. Can't wait to read her review!
How is that for an awesome round of links?
In non-book related news (cause I know y'all want to know more than just what's happening in that part of my life) . . .
On the Spiritual Front: My munchkins attended Vacation Bible School at Legacy Church this week. It was such a complete blast! Thank you to Legacy Church and all their parents, church leaders and volunteers who put so much time into the program. My kids came home singing new songs, telling me about new friends, and - best of all - a renewed enthusiasm to talk about Bible stories. I love it!
On the Happy Front: We had lots of play dates this week. The kids were, of course, very happy to see their friends. Trips to the pool, running through the sprinklers, popcorn and movies . . . fun all around!
On the Sad Front: My hubby has been attacked by allergies! The poor guy has hardly been able to do anything more than whisper for the past three days. This evening he started to be able to talk a little. We're hoping his voice returns before Sunday, or else our church nursery will be quite interesting. My hubby will be gesturing and making indecipherable sounds just like the two year olds!
On the Shh! It's a Surprise Front: Ooh, ooh, ooh! There's something I want to tell you. Really, really, really want to tell you . . . but you'll have to wait until the details are all figured out and I'm given the go-ahead to announce this neat, very cool thing . . . Stay tuned!
Have a fabulous Father's Day weekend everyone!!!