I have asked some friends to be guest bloggers. They each are connected to autism in a different way - some are parents, others siblings, and even others are professionals in the autism community. I am excited to share their experiences and knowledge with you. I know each will share his unique perspective of parenting with humor, important autism information, or genuine love of raising or working with individuals who have autism.
I also have some wonderful products to review and giveaway.
As my own personal contribution to giving back during Autism Awareness month, I am running a special promotion on pre-orders for my book, (dis)Abilities and the Gospel. For every 10 pre-orders I receive through my website in April, I will donate 1 book to a church, charity, or library. To make this even more fun, I will draw names from the pre-orders and allow those individuals to choose where to donate the book. My goal is to get as many books donated as possible in a wide variety of communities throughout the nation. To participate, please visit my website for more details.
I'll be back on Wednesday. Until then, tell me what you're doing this month to celebrate Autism Awareness Month.