And yes parents, this is a kid friendly event. There's even a room where kids can make Christmas crafts for free. In fact, the whole event is free. This year, there will be a lot of neat additions - such as a live nativity outside with animals, a choir night (in which my daughter is singing with her children's choir. The Prince of Peace Children's choir is also performing), a Christmas pageant, and the weekend will be topped off with a performance by the Mormon Chorale. I recently heard them sing at the Olathe Distinguished Neighbor Award in October - and they are truly incredible! I got goosebumps all over my arms, they were so beautiful and talented. Check out the calendar below for the dates and times.
This is a wonderful event to begin our Christmas holiday and to remember the real reason for the season - the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
I'll be at the Nativity Display for most of the weekend. I hope to see you there!