Lucky me, I had the opportunity to organize a writers retreat with Authors Incognito's moderator, Nichole Giles. We rented a cabin in Park City, Utah for three days filled with nothing but writing, writing, a bit of goofing around, and even more writing.
It. Was. Awesome.
And to prove it's awesomeness to you, here are the pictures of all us nutty writers diving into NaNoWriMo land.
First, let me set the stage:
Yes, my friends, there was snow - not a lot (thank goodness!). But the weather was gorgeous!
The coveted hot tub. Nichole Giles and I set a word count goal for the afternoon,
then worked out little tushes off to meet it! But oh, the wonderfulness of soaking in the hot tub was totally worth it.
Of course, no writers retreat is complete with lots and lots of laptops, netbooks, and Alpha Smarts!
Now, let the work begin!
Christine Bryant - Oh Great One.
Wendy Swore (who kicked our butt with a Tae Kwon Do workout) and Susan Haws - checking out some writing website and brainstorming together.
The kitchen gatherers - Jenn Wilks, Karen Hoover, and Tobyn DeGraw.
Tobyn was the task master - You can't do (insert what we wanted to do) until you hit 3K!
Debbie Davis - Another exercise instructor/writer who seriously kicked our butts with a combo of kick boxing and yoga. We wub you, Debbie (even if you are directionally challenged!).
Our sweetheart, Karen Dupaix - who ended the weekend by getting in over 17,000 words. Go girl!
Michele Holmes steadily worked throughout the entire retreat.
Becki Clayson decided to get some fresh air and write outdoors.
I did this one day and it really was wonderful!
Me and Nichole Giles.
We had a blast organizing the retreat together!
Heather Justesen totally holed herself up in a bedroom and only came out to eat.
BUT she walked away having written over 24,000 words! Go Heather!
Becki still working away. =)
Heather and I at the end of the retreat - when I finally got her away from her laptop!
Sweet Debbie Davis and me.
Best Friends
Heather and Nichole are two of my absolute favorite writer friends ever!
We've known each other for years and have been cheering each other on every step of the way.
I can't wait for next year's retreat. Nichole and I are already brainstorming. So, who wants to join us in November 2011?