So, has anyone checked out my side bar lately? Notice there's some information that's missing? My book launch has been moved. Well, not just moved. But put on hold - until, well, my publisher takes it off hold. And hey, ignore that little countdown clock thingy. I haven't removed it yet cause I need to find out from my hubby what I need to save so I don't lose it. =) Yep, I'm so not tech savvy - but that's not a surprise, right?
Thank you to everyone who has been emailing me and asking for (dis)Abilities and the Gospel. I would love, love, love to send you personalized copies of the book once it's printed and available. And yes, when I have a new release date, I'll let y'all know. I really appreciate all of your support and enthusiasm for my book! You guys are the best!
So, what now? That's what you're all thinking right?
This is where the whole timing thing comes in. I love the scripture that talks about a season for all things. Well, now that I won't be traveling all over the Western & Midwestern U.S., some really great things have opened up for me.
Currently, I am fine tuning the synopsis of a children's picture book I wrote called Sarah's Special Friend. It's a sweet story about Sarah, her Sunday School class, and Micah, a boy with autism. At first, Sarah finds Micah and the way he acts intimidating, but once she learns more about him, they become good friends. There are some fun quirky moments that make you giggle and some very sweet moments that warm your heart. Once I have the synopsis done, I can begin querying agents. I've done lots of research and have narrowed down the list. Keep your fingers crossed (I know mine will be!).
Once the querying gets going, I'll start writing on my romantic suspense novel, Rebound. I'm excited to begin work on it again. It's a story I really love!
I'm also working on some freelance editing. Right now, I'm reading for Heather Justesen and her latest work-in-progress. It's fabulous stuff, people! If anyone else is in need of a freelance editor, you can find out more about my services here.
Other than the changes in my travel plans this summer, I'm actually quite enjoying my time with my munchkins. Summer is such a fun time! We've been out playing in the sprinklers, taking trips to the park, and eating lots of ice cream. Which is not so great for my waistline. I'm hoping that the extra activity vs ice cream cancels each other out!
Now, I'm going to head back to my netbook and finish editing for Heather. I hope y'all are enjoying your summer so far! BTW - I'll be posting MJ's dance recital pictures this later this week.