With a successful husband, a gorgeous home, and a growing family, Lily Drake has it all. But when the FBI shows up, she realizes her husband is not the man she thought he was.
Meanwhile, Lily's friend Curtis is about to be drafted by the NBA, but he suddenly feels pulled to find his birth family, and no one is prepared for what he'll discover. With so many obstacles in their way, Lily and Curtis must learn to rely on each other if they're ever going to find peace and learn to love again.
In this heartwarming family drama, Heather Justesen, author of The Ball's in Her Court, weaves a stirring story of hope. Reunite with your favorite characters and discover how determination, love, and faith can overcome even the toughest trials.
My Review
I had the opportunity to first read about Lily and Curtis's stories when Heather was first writing the manuscript. After the first few chapters Heather sent me to edit, I was completely hooked and begging her to write faster so I could see what happened next. I'm so happy to have the complete final version!
My favorite parts of the book are (of course) the romantic ones. Heather Justesen most definitely knows how to write a kissing scene that makes your knees go all jello and you're heart melt while still keeping everything all nice and clean. But in this book, you won't find just a romantic tale. I admired Lily's strength and perseverance during the difficult trials she faced. Not only was her husband put in jail and convicted of fraud, but he divorced her while she was in the last stages of her pregnancy, which left Lily one very over stressed woman.
And no, she didn't just fall in love with the next guy who came along. She and Curtis are good friends - and have known each other for several years. They don't spend every waking minute together, but they talk about the things happening in each other's lives and support each other, as friends do for each other. It isn't until the last half of the book that their perspectives start to change and they begin to wonder . . . What if? It's at this point of the book that Curtis gets some solid leads to find his birth father and begins to earnestly search for him. And wow - the challenges he faces when he finally does find him.
I really enjoyed the balance of drama and romance in this book. There are even some touches of humor that just made me laugh out loud. Rebound is truly a story that grips you, pulls you in, and end with a sigh from your heart and a smile on your face. Definitely one of my favs!
You can purchase Rebound at Utah Costco locations, Amazon.com, or your local book store. Or you can get an autographed copy at her Utah County book launch tomorrow!
Thursday, June 3rd
South Towne Marketplace Barnes & Noble
10180 S State, Sandy
Time: 6-8 p.m.
South Towne Marketplace Barnes & Noble
10180 S State, Sandy
Time: 6-8 p.m.
Heather will be signing with Nichole Giles, Kimberly Job, and Tristi Pinkston.
There will be goodies and giveaways!
Author Interview

QOTC: As the author, what trait do you most admire about Lily?
HJ: I love how Lily handles all of her problems. She doesn't bounce back immediately, maybe, but she doesn't let everything that's happening to her stop her either. She regroups and keeps pushing on. I also like that she's willing to turn to friends and family for help when she absolutely has to. Sometimes it's hard to remember that we all have people rooting or us who are happy to help out where they can. We can't let them handicap us into not progressing, but together we can accomplish much more than we otherwise could have.
QOTC: What's your favorite scene between Lily and Curtis?
HJ: That's so hard to decide because I love so many of them! I had to think about this for a few minutes because it's been a while since I've read the book, but the basketball banquet is definitely in my top few. There's just something about a guy who can dance.
QOTC: Do you think you'll write any books without basketball in them?
HJ: Oh yeah, I don't have any more basketball books in the near future! The next several titles in my lineup are very un-basketball related. I often have people ask me if I played basketball in school, to which I have to admit I have the athleticism of a stink bug. Apparently I'm intrigued by people who are way more graceful and athletic than I am.
QOTC: Who's your favorite basketball player of all time (other than Michael Jordan)?
HJ: Um, I could choose someone at random, but really, I never watch sports (I know, strange considering my books, right?). I guess I'll go with John Stockton since I have a nephew named Stockton (his parents swear he wasn't named after the basketball player, despite the fact that his father could probably tell you every stat about the Jazz since the beginning of time). Thankfully I have a sister and brother-in-law who were able to answer my innumerable questions and fix all of my assumptions about the sport.
QOTC: At a sporting event, are you a pizza, pretzel, or hot dog fan?
HJ: Do I have to pick just one? Okay, pizza--which is admittedly, the only thing I've ever gotten during a pro-sports game (which was baseball, actually) and though it looked like it should have been dried and not so yummy was totally fabulous. Maybe it was the excitement of the game and hanging out with other kids my age.
QOTC: If you as an author were a sports team, what would be your team name and mascot?
HJ: The Twisted Ankles (which is something I do often when I try to play team sports.) Oh, wait, as an author....The Empty Ink Cartridges
QOTC: One last question . . . who's your favorite writing friend/queen? =)
HJ: You, of course! Thanks for having me today!
QOTC: Thank you for the interview, Heather! I can't wait for your next book to come out!
You can find out more about Heather Justesen and her books at her blog and her website.