This week, co-authors D.N. Giles (Nichole) and C.L. Beck (Cindy) are hosting a blog tour and fun contest. I'll tell you more about the contest . . . but first, let's learn a bit more about Nichole and Cindy, who both agreed to let me interview them.
QOTC: So, chickies, I have so many important questions for you. Let's dive right in. Since it's still early in the morning for me (almost 11 am and I wish I was still in bed!), what's your favorite cereal?
Cindy: Chex - which I love as Chex Party Mix. Does that count?
Nichole: Hm. That's a tough one. We're a cereal family at my house and could probably live on it for quite a while if things got tough. Or even if they didn't. I'm going to say Fruit Loops. You know, because I tend to be a bit loopy at times. Plus, they're colorful and fruity delicious.
QOTC: What was the name of your first pet?
Cindy: Mickey, but he wasn't a mouse.
Nichole: My first?As in, the very very first one? See, that's a problem. When I was five, we found a family of desert turtles and brought them home. We got to keep them in an unfinished portion of our house for about...two days before they mysteriously ran away. Poor turtles. I can't even remember their names! That same year, we also caught a rattlesnake. It didn't get a name.
QOTC: I am totally not a morning person. So I'm curious - what time do you get up in the morning?
Cindy: Well, sometimes 3 am when the train comes through (not the house, through town) and the engineer lays on the horn. But usually I hope for 7 am.
Nichole: I plea the fifth. Really. Because I stay up late a lot, writing. Sometimes reading. But my kids get to school, and that's the important thing.
QOTC: One of my very favorite things is fun socks. Tell me about your favorite pair of socks.
Cindy: Soft and fuzzy. They're actually bootie socks. And boo hoo, I'm down to my last pair and can't find them anymore. Waah!
Nichole: A good friend gave me a pair of fuzzy red ones with skids on the bottoms. They're very cozy. Except I don't love the skids because I can't slide on slick surfaces. For that, I have to get out the stripped knee-high toe socks, which are another favorite pair.
QOTC: I'm friends with people of all different ages, but they all have one thing in common - their true age isn't the number on their driver's license - it's an attitude. So, what age are you at heart and why?
Cindy: Well, I think my heart is about 57 years old, counting from the day I was born and don't include the nine months I was in the womb. Oh, you mean like how old do I feel mentally? About 105.
Nichole: It depends on how much I've laughed that day. Laughing can sure make me feel like a carefree kid. I don't mind that feeling at all.
QOTC: My hubby is an ice cream addict - although root beer floats & anything from Cold Stone are his favorites. What's your favorite ice cream creation?
Cindy: Baskin Robbins peanut butter and chocolate. In a cup. With lots of napkins (on my lap, not in the cup!).
Nichole: Ben and Jerry's used to make a tropical concoction called Island Paradise. It was pineapple ice cream with a rich mango swirl, and--I think--bits of banana. Sigh. It's discontinued. I miss it. Let's all go petition Ben and Jerry's to bring it back! Hurry!
QOTC: What is your favorite jewelry item to wear?
Cindy: My grandmother's opal ring. I only wear it for special occasions.
Nichole: What a question. How could I ever play favorites? It's almost like choosing my favorite child. It just isn't done! Sorry.
QOTC: And last, but certainly most important - Do you sing in the shower? And if so, what do you like to sing?
Cindy: Sometimes. And if you promise not to tell anyone (Sorry Cindy - did you really think I'd not tell anyone an interview answer?), I like to sing the Rubber Ducky song from Sesame Street.
Nichole: Absolutely. I actually had my husband install speakers in my bathroom ceiling, so I can really get rocking in the shower. My favorite song totally changes on a daily basis, but recently I've been listening to "Bad Romance" by Lady Gaga a lot. It has a beat that really gets me moving in the morning.
QOTC: Seriously? Speakers in the bathroom? That's a genius idea! I love it! I wonder if I can get my hubby to do that for me, too? Thanks for letting me interview you, chickies. I think I found some kindred spirits.
And now, for the contest portion of the blog tour! There are actually many contests running during this blog tour.
1. Cindy & Nichole have donated a $20 Amazon gift card to one winner. This winner will be chosen from ALL the comments left on ALL FIVE BLOGS participating in the tour. So the blog tour stops you visit and comment on, the more opportunities you have to win! (blog tour schedule is posted at the end of this post).
2. Queen of the Clan is giving away an autographed copy of Mormon Mishaps and Mischief to the readers who leave comments here on THIS BLOG.
3. Some of the other bloggers participating in the blog tour are also giving away books and other items. Be sure to check out their blogs & enter to win there as well. Each blog has different requirements to enter. So please be sure to read the rules at each stop carefully.
All of the contests will end on Friday, February 19th. The winners will be announced on various blogs Monday, February 22nd.
Be sure to leave a SEPARATE comment for each entry. Each comment will count as one entry, even if you leave feedback for multiple entries on that one comment. To enter, you can:
1. Leave a comment on this post. Tell me why you'd like this book.
2.Facebook the contest with link to this post.
3. Tweet about this contest with a link to this post.
4. Follow me on Twitter @TaDaFerguson
5. Become a Queen of the Clan follower on Facebook.
6. Sign up for my newsletter-- email: QueenOfTheClan@gmail.com
7. Follow my blog.
8. Become a fan of the LDS Humor blog.
9. If you've read Mormon Mishaps & Mischief, post a review at Amazon, Goodreads, or Shelfari. You can leave one comment for each review.
Feb 6th Ronda Hinrichsen
Feb 9th Connie Hall: C.LaRene Hall
Feb 10th Cathy Witbeck
Feb 11th Dan Olsen
Feb 12th Danyelle Ferguson