The last five years, there's been a lot of research about autism and the milk issue. Just in the past year or two, studies have shown that using the digestive enzyme DPP-IV (pronounced DPP-4) helps individuals with autism digest the milk protein much faster so it doesn't leak out of their gut and enter their bloodstream.
My hubby and I have debated for the last year about whether or not to try this enzyme or not. I've been really afraid to try it, let him eat the foods he misses, and then if it didn't work, go through heck and back to transition him back to a milk-free diet. But Isaac is 10 years old now. Next year, he's going to Jr. high (or middle school if they rename it to that). What an incredible thing for him if he could eat lunch at school, just like all his peers - and to go hang out with his friends without Mom needing to send substitute food for him.

My hubby and I had several conversations with Isaac about trying the new diet and enzymes. He showed a good understanding and has really taken a lot of the responsibility seriously. We started the new diet on Monday. Isaac asks for his enzyme before every meal or anything he eats a snack that has milk in it. His teacher & aide at school are keeping careful data on his behaviors to see how the new diet plan effects him. And so far . . .
It's going great!
Isaac hasn't had any of the normal behavior issues we usually see when he gets even just one cupcake made with milk. He's stayed steady and is his normal self. He's enjoyed trying a bunch of new foods - and even asked if I'd make him Kraft Mac & Cheese this weekend because he really wants to try it.
This week, we've had pizza & birthday cake, 3 Cheese Chicken & Noodle, and White Lasagna. Today after school, we are planning to take the kids out for ice cream as a family. We've never, ever been able to do this before. And I'm so totally excited!!!
So I'm crossing my fingers, toes, and eyes and praying, praying, praying that everything continues going well!
It's been so much fun to introduce our family to meals my hubby and I loved before we started the milk-free diet. It's also been interesting to discover I can't remember half of the meals we used to cook! We've been doing the milk-free diet for at least eight years. I've had to search for recipes online because I don't have some of my old favorites anymore. So here's where you can help me. If you have a favorite recipe, please send it to me! I'd love to try it out. You can email it to A huge thank you to everyone who sends me recipes!