My girlfriend,
Nichole, nominated me for the Over the Top award. She's such a sweetheart. I love her vibrant personality and the wicked sparkle in her eyes. She makes me smile and laugh - and I'm always so excited to see her every year at the LDStorymakers conference. I'm grateful she's part of my life and a great friend.
So, part of the award is to answer the following questions. This is a little Danyelle Q&A for ya.
1. Where is your cell phone? Sitting on my desk beside my elbow as I type.
2. Your hair? Dark Golden Brown - or at least that's what my L'Oreal box says.
3. My mother? Absolutely adored her. She's one of my role models of how to live life and be an incredible mom. She passed away when I was 19.
4. Your father? Works for the railroad. Nope, I'm not kidding, and no, he doesn't ride in the caboose. He's the head of an engine for his company.
5. Favorite food? Chocolate, mexican, thai, chinese, italian, and sonic drinks.
6. Your dream last night? My daughter fell out of bed last night & woke me up from an awesome dream . . . unfortunately, I can't remember it.
7. Favorite drink? Sonic Cherry Vanilla Coke or a Lemon-Berry Slush.
8. Your dream/goal? To be loved and remembered.
9. What room are you in? My office/kitchen.
10. Your hobby? Besides writing? Reading, singing in the kitchen, dancing with my kids, monthly craft club with the girls . . . there's more, but I'll stop there.
11. Your fear? Something happening to my hubby or kids.
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Debt-free and enjoying life with my family. Having a few more books out would be nice too.
13. Where were you last night? Home with my awesome family.
14. Something you aren't. A good housekeeper. My poor hubby is a neat freak and I'm a sloppy person. We've both had to make adjustments to meet in the middle. Now we're both just slightly messy.
15. Muffins? Yum! I love chocolate chocolate chip!
16. Wish list item? A week long vacation with my main squeeze - and I'm not talking orange juice.
17. Where did you grow up? Pennsylvania.
18. Last thing you did? Read an email from my publisher.
19. What are you wearing? Jeans, a Bambi shirt, and socks.
20. Your TV? It's downstairs and the kids are watching PBS.
21. Your pet? None, currently. My hubby is allergic. When he proposed, I had to choose between him and my dog. Guess who won? (The dog went to live with my sister)
22. Your friends? I have lots of awesome friends spread throughout the world. What an incredible blessing they are.
23. Your life? Is like a roller-coaster - but who's isn't? It makes everything interesting, and definitely much better.
24. Your mood? Rushed and anxious - getting ready to go out of town.
25. Missing someone? Always.
26. Vehicle? 2000-something Town & Country.
27. Something you're not wearing? Shoes
28. Your favorite store? There are definitely WAY too many to choose from. Depends on where the best sales are. I love NY&Company, Old Navy, Gap, and Christopher & Banks.
29. Your favorite color? Pink, brown, green, blue . . .
30. When was the last time you laughed? This morning.
31. Last time you cried? Last night.
32. Your best friend? My husband. No contest.
33. One place that I go over and over? School, the grocery store, and Costco.
34. One person who e-mails me regularly? I have to echo Nichole here - my writers groups (Super Edits, Authors Incognito, & Olathe Writers Group).
35. Favorite place to eat? Anywhere, as long as the food is delish & I'm sharing dessert with my hubby. :)
Now I get to nominate five people for this award. Nichole actually told why she nominated each person, but I'm already on the weepy side so I'm just going to tell you each of the people I nominate are very special to me. They have each been there during very important times in my life, supporting me, laughing with me, and yes, sometimes letting me soak their shirts while I cried. I thank Heavenly Father that they are my friend each and every day.
Heather Justesen2.
Laura Marion3.
Amy Marble4.
Robin Thomas5.
Tristi Pinkston