Update on Tuesday Night & Wednesday
Tuesday night was really difficult for Isaac. After having a fabulous day, he went to sleep at 11 pm. Unfortunately, his nurse decided since he was sleeping, not to give him his pain meds. At 4 am, he woke up in LOTS of pain. He thrashed around a bit and ended up pulling his IV out of his hand. The nurse didn't want to start another IV since he was so upset, and opted to order oral pain meds - which took another 30 minutes to get and another 20-30 minutes after that to kick in. Isaac was so upset, all he kept saying was "Mommy, take me home". It just about broke my heart. I ended up sleeping in bed with him cuddled up to me for the rest of the night. Thank goodness we could both fit on his bed. :)
Wednesday was a great day. Truly, Isaac is back to his normal, cheerful, active personality. He still needs pain meds to control the pain. Right now we're just waiting for his lung drainage to get down to less than 25 cc in a 24 hour period. Wednesday, he was sitting at between 70-80 cc. The bulb that catches the fluid gets drained every four hours. When they drain it, they calculate the amount of fluid for the past 24 hours from that drainage time. So Wednesday morning, he was still draining too much fluid to have the tube removed. By the afternoon though, the drainage had finally started tapering off and this morning he was sitting at 30 cc. The surgeon team said they would keep an eye on it today. Hopefully either later today or tomorrow morning, the drainage will decrease enough for the tube to be removed. Once it's removed, we'll need to stay for another 24 hours, then Isaac will have a chest x-ray to make sure the fluid levels and lung look okay.
Other than that, Isaac is doing great with his respiratory exercises and his lung sounds really good. He's had several visitors - Mr. Todd & Miss Jill from school, Sister Broyles came up with our son Rob, and Sister Lyons & Sister Stotts from the Primary organization at church. He really enjoyed seeing someone other than Mom and Dad . . . and of course, he was really excited about the presents they all brought, too. :)
I went home last night to spend the night at home with the kids. John stayed at over-night with Isaac. Anna was soo happy to see Mom. She kept hugging me over and over. I was worried she'd be upset about being separated again today, but instead she was very excited to see Natalie and just hopped right into their van for the day. What a great blessing that was. I don't think I could have handled her crying and calling for Mommy. It was really nice to be home and to just snuggle and relax with the kids.
This morning when I returned, Isaac gave me a great big hug. I told him I brought him something from home. He was really excited until he saw that it was homework. "No!" he said. "No homework!" Then I pulled out the cool coloring books and crayons I brought and he agreed it would be okay to work in shifts. Some work and some play. He's such a great kid.
Thank you everyone for all your prayers. Isaac is doing fabulous and I truly believe it's because of the faith and love each of you are sending his way. Last night on the way home, Lean On Me came on the radio not once, but twice. Then again this morning when I turned on the radio, it was the first song that came on. It clicked in my head that it was a message from Heavenly Father. Have you listened - really listened - to the verses from that song lately? It touched my heart and made me think of each of you and my Heavenly Father. Google the verses. Thank you so much for being a part of our lives.
I will try to update again later today. Much love to you all.
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- Sara said...
I've been waiting for an email update and it just occurred to me to check your blog...sometimes I'm a bit on the slow side?!?! Anyway, I'm so relieved that things went well and that Isaac is recovering quickly. Hooray for modern medicine...and health benefits! :)
Feb 12, 2009, 3:49:00 PM
- Cindy Beck, author said...
It's great that Isaac is doing so well. Hopefully he'll be able to go home soon, and that will make him feel much better.
It's too bad the pain got out of control the one time, but I'm glad it's better now. -
Feb 12, 2009, 7:54:00 PM
- Bohn Family said...
Oh my goodness you are going through a lot! I wish I could help some way.... Good luck with everything. I hope your little man starts feeling better.
Feb 12, 2009, 10:10:00 PM
- Nichole Giles said...
Oh, I'm so glad to hear Isaac is starting to improve. I know how it feels to watch him suffer, and know you can't take it from him. And having to split your time between home and hospital is also extremely difficult.
Hopefully you'll all be home together soon.
Nichole -
Feb 13, 2009, 9:05:00 PM