After church today, our Elder's Quorum president and one of his counselors joined us to give each member of our family priesthood blessings. It's difficult to express the tenderness of this moment. There have been so many, many worries weighing on my heart and mind - all for my children. I have a difficult time expressing them because it just makes me cry and I don't like to cry in front of anyone. So I've kept most of them all stored up inside. It was interesting as Isaac was blessed, followed by my hubby, myself, and our other three children - that almost all of my worries were addressed. For each child, something I thought would be difficult for him or her, was brought up in his or her blessing. The wording of my blessing was truly inspired because it was so completely accurate to how I was feeling and dealing with everything. What peace and comfort it brings to know Heavenly Father knows each of us and what's in our hearts. It truly was a tender experience for our whole family.
Thank you to everyone who's been praying for our son. And thank you so much to everyone who fasted with us today. Your faith and love are greatly appreciated. There truly are not words adequate to express my deep gratitude for each of you.
Shifting gears a little, next week is our youngest daughter's 2nd birthday. Since we aren't sure what next weekend will be like, we decided to have a last minute family party today. Here are some fun pics to share with you all.
She loved this shirt and immediately decided it had to be put on OVER her dress!
so I can lift my skirt up and people don't see my diaper. I LOVE those!
new shirt, jean skirt with diaper panty, and this skirt, too!
BTW - isn't my new baby so cute?