A Day Full of Blessings - An Isaac Update
My kids all got off to school and their friends houses and Isaac was actually quite chipper this morning. My sister had an interesting experience this morning. She loves the 700 Club on CBN and is a contributor to their station. This morning, CBN called her to see if she had anyone she would like to add to their prayer list for the day. She told them about Isaac and they prayed for him.
We've been lucky to have many, many people of all different faiths praying for Isaac. Today, many of those prayers were answered.
Isaac's surgery was scheduled for 2 pm, but wasn't taken back until 3 pm. While we waited, he remained in good spirits - challenging his Dad at Mario Cart on Nintendo DS's certainly helped. :) When it was time for surgery, he got a little nervous when it was time to part. But he walked with the nurse to the operation room. An hour later, the nurse called to give us an update. She said he did a great job. He asked lots of questions about the lights and other things in the room. She answered them and he got on the table to get his "sleepy medicine." Just as they were placing the mask over his face, he got scared and started asking for his Mommy. But about ten seconds later, he was asleep.
Another hour later, we received another phone call from the nurse saying that the surgery was completed and they were just sewing everything back up. They were able to perform the surgery using the scope and that the surgeon would be down soon to see us. About thirty minutes later, my hubby and I met with the surgeon.
It turns out that Isaac didn't have a pulmonary sequestration and cystic mass as we thought from the CT Scan. Instead, the surgeon found something very unusual & called another surgeon in to consult. They found a large rectangular section of tissue that was attached from the bottom of his lung to the top of his diaphragm. It was stretched pretty good and obviously inflamed. They did some extra poking around to search for any masses, but everything else looked really good. So they removed the odd tissue and a small piece of his lung. What an incredible blessing to have had it be something so rare, but much less drastic than removing the lower section of his lung! What an incredible answer to the many prayers on his behalf.
Isaac was pretty disoriented after the surgery and just wanted Mom to hold his hand. He even told me he was worried when he couldn't find me when he woke up. He was in and out of sleep for another hour and a half. About 8 pm, he woke up, had an orange popscicle and asked some questions. Then he fell asleep for a little while longer and woke up about 8:30 pm. This time when he woke up, he took my hand and pulled me close to him and said, "God is speaking to me." Then he went on to ask me something that I couldn't process because I was still trying to comprehend his first statement. Then I thought of course God is speaking to Isaac. He loves him so, so much!
At this moment, Isaac is awake and doing fantastic. In fact, he's watching Donald Duck in Math Magic Land!
Thank you so much for all your prayers and love. I will post more again tomorrow!
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- Kimber said...
What a relief! Prayers truly were answered today.
Feb 9, 2009, 9:28:00 PM
- Josi said...
Sniff, sniff. What a special little man you have. Congrats.
Feb 9, 2009, 9:55:00 PM
- Teri said...
That's so great! The power of prayer is amazing. We had people of all faiths all over the world praying for Brayden and I was so amazed at the support. I know that Heavenly Father is watching over Isaac.
Feb 9, 2009, 11:20:00 PM
- Heather Justesen said...
Danyelle, I'm so relieved things went so well, and it's even better that they were able to use the scope. I'll be watching for the next update!
Feb 10, 2009, 12:07:00 AM
- Nichole Giles said...
I'm so glad things went well and that it wasn't as bad as it could have been. Of course God is watching out for Isaac. He's such a special kid.
As he recovers, there will be lots of ups and downs. As those happen, just remember we're still thinking about you. It will all be worth it for your special little guy. -
Feb 10, 2009, 12:24:00 AM
- Ronda Gibb Hinrichsen said...
Yeah! I'm so glad things have turned out so well. What a blessing!
Feb 10, 2009, 12:47:00 AM
- Unknown said...
Truly an answer to prayer. What a special witness Isaac got too. Hang in there!!
Feb 10, 2009, 5:31:00 AM
Anonymous said...
I remember the deep breath I took after Wyatt's surgery was over and we got the 'all's good' from the doctor. I hadn't realized until that moment that I'd been holding my breath.
I'm so happy for you. -
Feb 10, 2009, 7:05:00 AM
- Kellie said...
I'm so happy everything is ok! He is obviously a wonderful little boy and for him to hear the voice of the Lord and recognize it is so wonderful!
Feb 10, 2009, 7:53:00 AM
- Rebecca Talley said...
What a blessing. I'm so relieved to hear he's doing well. Thank goodness for prayer!
Feb 10, 2009, 9:38:00 AM
- Christine said...
Breathe, girl. Just breath. It's over and he did fantastic. Glad to hear you and John survived as well.
Hugs -
Feb 10, 2009, 11:38:00 AM
- Cathy said...
So glad to hear that your little trooper is doing okay. Thanks for keeping us all updated.
Feb 11, 2009, 11:21:00 AM
- Janice said...
I am so happy for you and Isaac! Wonderful blessings for wonderful people!
Feb 11, 2009, 11:15:00 PM