It's called An LDS Girl's Guide to Real Beauty by Leslie Cheret.
From the Deseret Book website:
A fun and conversational guide to being beautiful inside and out. From self-confidence and discovering your talents to healthy eating, make-up, and exercise, Leslie Cheret will help any girl feel beautiful. Full of thoughts from real LDS girls your age and helpful tips to feeling your best.
My daughter absolutely loves this book. We've been sitting together and reading it one chapter at a time. Many times, she has stopped to ask me more specific questions. In one chapter, the author talks more about what it means to be a real friend - and how friends treat each other. MJ is a very friendly girl and wants to be friends with everyone. But at school, there's one click who has caused her some grief. When these girls get together on the playground, they all follow whatever the click's leader tells them to do. There are about four girls in the group. The hard thing for MJ is that she's friends with several of the girls in the group. When she's with the girls and the leader isn't around, they have a wonderful time together. But when the leader is there, she (the leader) makes all the girls walk away from MJ. It's not just MJ who they "ignore," it's all the girls. MJ asked me lots of questions about this specific situation, but a few others as well. Like what to do when someone makes fun of someone else. We talked a lot about how we're all children of God, and no matter what church we go to, we need to treat everyone with respect.
This book has been excellent for bringing up topics and letting my daughter ask me questions that lead into wonderful conversations and teaching moments. I'm very impressed with this author. She's fun and humorous, and also very honest and loving as she talks about topics that are very important to girls who are pre-teen through teen. MJ is in 2nd grade and I've been shocked by the things I've seen and heard happening between the girls or girls and boys that I wouldn't have expected until at least 6th or 7th grade. I think the timing of this book is perfect for those of us raising girls in this generation. I highly, highly recommend this book.
QOTC Rating: Five HUGE Stars!
Psst - I haven't read it yet, but this author has another book called An LDS Girl's Guide to Friendship. That's definitely going to be the next one I purchase!