In December, MJ was asked to give a talk about being a child of God. While she was preparing her talk, she asked me how I knew I was a child of God. We talked about when I was sixteen and took the discussions from the missionaries. That was truly when I understood I was a daughter of Heavenly Father. I was baptized on Sunday, January 23rd, 1994.
MJ was totally cute and said, "I'm getting baptized in January, too!"
"I know," I replied. "Isn't it cool that our baptisms will be in the same month?"
A few days later, MJ asked me if she could be baptized on the same day I was. Is she awesome or what? So on Friday, January 23rd, 2009 - exactly 15 years since my own baptism - my daughter was baptized and confirmed a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It was an incredible day, and a very tender moment for me. MJ is named after my mom (Marjorie) and my sister (Cheryl Jeannette). My mom and I were both baptized together (along with my younger brother). My mom passed away eleven years ago. It'll be twelve years in March. I miss her so much. At times like this, I miss her dreadfully. But it was a tender moment when I got to think about my incredible mom, our journey to this new faith, and to see her namesake baptized as well. MJ is truly one awesome little girl. She's so kind, compassionate, and a smarty-pants, too. Sometimes that last one is good, and sometimes not-so-good. But hey, she's only eight! :) I'm very proud of her though and love her very, very much.
Here are some fun pictures from her baptism day.
Poor MJ. The water in the font was icy cold! Brr!
A precious daughter of God.