An Unmerry Event
On the evenings of Friday and Saturday, our oldest son complained that his stomach hurt. Thinking he had gas, we gave him some gas meds and he went to sleep. Then Sunday morning during sacrament meeting, our son began to cry and say his back and stomach hurt. My hubby took Isaac to another room and called our 24 hour on-call nurse, who suggested taking him to urgent care.
After ruling out strep, Urgent Care then referred him to Olathe Medical Center to have his appendix checked out. A CT scan was ordered and showed that his appendix was fine, but that he had problems with is colon and a mass located on the lower portion on his right lung, which was pushing on his diaphragm (most likely the source of all the pain). OMC then transferred Isaac to Children's Mercy Hospital in downtown Kansas City. He was admitted late that night and was assigned a team of surgeons.
We are having more tests done today, but will be here again over night. Right now we are just trying to keep him happy. And it seems that as long as he has some good pain meds available, he can manage okay.
On a more fun note during this not so fun time, he did get to meet David Cook (American Idol) and Tony Gonzalez (KC Chiefs) this morning. They came to meet the kids and pass out Shadow Buddies from the Tony Gonzalez Foundation. Isaac was thrilled to receive his angel doll, which he decided to use markers to make look more like a Bionicle. (is anyone surprised?) Tony even wanted to sign the doll's leg, but Isaac told him he had to sign the shirt so he could color the doll. My favorite part was that while we were having our pics taken, Isaac was posing like a star wars/bionicle figure and Tony got into the act with him and modeled all of his poses just like Isaac. It was really cute! Isaac and I were even interviewed by one of the KC news stations there covering the event. I have no idea which station or if we were even included in the final cut of the broadcast, but Isaac enjoyed answering the questions and talking into the microphone. There is a video on David Cook's website of his visit today. I couldn't view it here from the hospital, so I don't know if Isaac's in it or not. But you can see more of what it was about. Kind of a bright spot while being stuck in a hospital being constantly poked and prodded.
At this time, we are waiting for more test results to come back. I'll update you again when I have a moment. Until then, please keep my little guy in your prayers. Thank you for your love and friendship. Merry Christmas!
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- Kimberly Job said...
My thoughts have been with you constantly since I found out. As a mother, I know how you must feel. I hope everything turns out okay and you have your very own Christmas miracle. You're awesome!!
Kim -
Dec 22, 2008, 11:28:00 PM
- Tristi Pinkston said...
Please be sure to keep us updated, and know that prayers are coming your way!
Dec 23, 2008, 1:22:00 AM
Anonymous said...
You all remain in our prayers and hope Isaac gets to come home soon!!
God Bless!!
PS. Thanks for the picture Isaac!!! -
Dec 23, 2008, 9:32:00 AM
- Hillary said...
Oh my, I had no idea. I hope that you get to come home soon and that everyone is well. My prayers are with you and let me know if you need anything.
Hill -
Dec 23, 2008, 2:36:00 PM
- Marcia Mickelson said...
I'm sorry for this challenging time. I hope Isaac will be fine and that you hear back soon. I'm glad for a bright moment during this difficult time.
Dec 24, 2008, 1:25:00 AM
- Danyelle Ferguson said...
Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers.
Dec 24, 2008, 3:35:00 PM