My good friend Ali over on Girl in a Whirl received the Marie Antoinette "Real Blogs Real People" Award, then she graciously passed it on to me. She said some really nice things about me . . . and I didn't even have to bribe her!
"I would like to pass this award along to Danyelle at Queen of the Clan. Danyelle has a smile that lights up a room, but even if you hadn't ever met her in person you could tell she smiles like that just from the way she writes. She has a beauty that shines through every post and I find very word to be true to who she is and what is in her heart. Danyelle's blog is a happy place to be."
Thank you, Ali! On a side note, this award is very appropriate right now as Marie lost her head (quite literally by execution) . . . and lately I feel like I'm losing mine as well between all this hospital/illness stuff. Just a little funny similarity between me & Marie. :)
Now I get to pass the award on to someone, too. I'm going to send it to my friend Amy over at What a Kick in the Pants. I love her blog. She writes about what she's really thinking and shares her sewing and knitting experiments, too. She's one funny, down-to-earth chick!