Visit Richard's website, where he is giving away boxes containing 25 copies of The Christmas Box for only the price of shipping - $15! This is a wonderful (and affordable) gift for family, friends, neighbors, teachers, etc. Enjoy!
The Christmas Box
“Whatever the reason, I find that with each passing Christmas the story of the Christmas Box is told less and needed more. So I record it now for all future generations to accept or dismiss as seems them good. As for me, I believe. And it is, after all, my story.”
“The most popular holiday tale since Tiny Tim.”
So begins The Christmas Box, the touching story of a widow and the young family who moves in with her. Together they discover the first gift of Christmas and learn what Christmas is really all about. The Christmas Box is a Christmas story unlike any other.
When I wrote The Christmas Box, I never intended to publish the story-it was simply an expression of love for my two young daughters, Jenna and Allyson. Though I often told them that I loved them, I didn’t believe that they could ever really understand the depth of those feelings until they had experienced the joy of rearing their own children, and by that time our relationship would have already changed. Forever. In writing The Christmas Box, I hoped that at some future time they could read this book and know of their father’s love.
As I began to write, I was amazed at the inspiration which flowed into my mind and heart. I completed the book in less than six weeks and, when I had finished, I produced twenty copies to give as Christmas presents to my family and friends. In the next four weeks those twenty copies were shared from family to family, and friend to friend. I never imagined that what began as a tale for two little girls would spread to millions throughout the world. The inspiration, which began with the The Christmas Box, is continued with Timepiece, the story of David and MaryAnne Parkin, in which we learn where the Christmas box and the angel statue had come from and the powerful lessons of hope the couple learned from their little girl, Andrea. I have learned from those who have read my stories that books can heal, and characters like MaryAnne Parkin, though fictitious, can provide warmth and companionship. My hope is that the stories of The Christmas Box and Timepiece fill your heart and home with inspiration, hope, and healing that you, in turn, may share these gifts with those you love.
With love and Christmas,
Richard Paul Evans