Last Wednesday, our Church held a Trunk or Treat for all the kids. It was lots of fun! Our friends Michele, Dusty, & Charlie joined us for the early trick-or-treating fun.

Charlie (Monkey), MJ (Princess Genevieve), & Rob (Lion)

Michele & Anna (Pooh's Honey Pot!) on their way to the first trunk.

Enjoying the candy . . . Anna's perfectly puckered face!

A happy smile from Isaac

MJ looks pretty happy with her candy

Some pixie stick fun . . . Anna saw Daddy help Rob do this first, then wanted to get in on the fun! Aren't they funny?

Rob's yummy bubble gum!
On Halloween, we had several parties to attend. First, Rob's preschool . . .

Rob's class with their teachers - Miss Devine & Miss Steinhouser

My fabulous friends - The Mighty Preschool Moms! Danyelle, Amy, Hillary, & Michele Missing In Action - Laura!

Some mommy silliness. To see something TOTALLY cool - you should check out Hillary's blog. She's eight months pregnant,and for her Church Halloween party, she & a group of adults did the Thriller dance. Hillary posted it on her blog. It's AWESOME!

Yes, Rob still sucks his thumb. But doesn't he look cute in his lion costume?

Anna & Daddy
Next, we went to Anna's Kindermusik class party . . .

Anna's class and her teacher, Miss Amy

Isn't Anna just the cutest honey pot ever?
Next, we went to the older kids Halloween parade & parties at school . . .

MJ and her fabulous teacher, Miss Sharp.

Isaac's afternoon autism specialist, Miss Jill, and me! (yep, the lady with the horns - that's me. Isn't the Maleficent costume awesome?)

MJ in the parade

Isaac (the blue & orange Stitch costume) and Miss Jill in the parade
And a few pictures from Halloween night . . .

John was having fun taking pictures. Here's me as Maleficent.

And a few fun pictures of Isaac as Stitch!

Halloween was lots of fun. The kids had a great time and are now loaded up on candy for the next twelve months. Seriously. :) I hope your Halloween was fabulous!
Now, on to Thanksgiving!!!