This past week has been long, difficult, and sleep-deprived. My two younger children both had the croup. My youngest little girl's croup finally went away, only to be replaced by a runny nose. Yuck!
The poor girl has been so tired! Yesterday, my hubby put her down for her afternoon nap about 2:30 pm. When we left for the adult evening of Stake conference at church, she was still sleeping. The babysitter said she woke up around 6:30, but fell back to sleep before she could even make her some dinner! So she put her back into her crib . . . where my little girl slept straight through until 7:30 this morning!
Now, it's only 10:30 am, and she came up to me and said, "Nap, nap." Off we went into her room, where she curled right up into her pillow, popped her binky into her mouth, and closed her little eyes. Her poor little body is just so very tired. I hope the rest gives her body what it needs to recover and get rid of this nasty cold.
Now, if only we could pass some of that nap time over to Mom and Dad . . .