Beep, Beep, Squeal!
We interrupt this program . . . the National Weather Service has issued a Severe Thunderstorm Warning for the following counties . . . This thunderstorm is capable of golf-ball sized hail, possible tornadoes, and flooding in low-lying areas . . .
All spring and summer, I've heard my Severe Weather radio beeping and squealing, then issuing similar warnings over and over again. Twice, the tornado sirens went off in my town, indicating a tornado had been sited and touched down. My kids know the drill. Off to the basement we go! Some of my kids get excited and chatter, others get scared and snuggle up to the pillows and blankets I have in our tornado kit. I pull out the picture books and position myself so I can see out the one small window, checking for hail or strong wind, then start reading to the kids until, finally, the sirens cease.
Are you ready for the possible calamities that could hit your area? Forget the natural disasters - tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, and earthquakes - for a minute. Are you prepared if a truck carrying hazardous materials flips on the freeway near your home and you need to evacuate? Or that train car accident that releases toxic gases? Would you be able to grab a 72 hour kit and go?
What if you found out you had a terrible illness and wouldn't be able to work for the next month, three months, or year? Would you be financially ready? Would you have some food stored for such an occasion?
I have actually either been in or witnessed all of the above situations. It can be terrifying. Our family was luckier than others, as we were fairly prepared. You see, I served as the 72 hour specialist for my church congregation for seven years. I know that if you wait until the emergency occurs, it's too late. You need to think about it and prepare before-hand.

This book covers the essential basics, surviving worst-case scenarios, principles of provident living, how to deal with and prepare for disasters, and tips for emergency evacuations. You'll also find really neat suggestions for your pantry and garden, as well as fun stuff like how to make newspaper logs.
Now, don't get over-whelmed. I know, I know . . . there's so much to do! Just take this little bit of advice: Get this book. Barabara Salsbury is a preparedness guru. She's super knowledgeable and serious. If you need help getting prepared, this is definitely the book to pick up. Then, choose one area, just one - make a goal and work on it until it's completed. Then choose another goal, and work on that one until it's completed. If you keep doing this, you'll be prepared. Trust me, even a little prepared is better than not being prepared at all.
QOTC Rating: Five Stars
Also, two other fabulous books I own by Barabara Salsbury:

Preparedness Principles Book Give-Away!
Enter this contest to win a free copy of Preparedness Principles by Barbara Salsbury. There are two ways to enter:
1. Leave a comment on this post & tell me what the scariest item is in your food storage. If you don't have food storage, just say so. That's scary enough! (if you use the anonymous option, be sure to include your name!)
2. Write a short post on your blog announcing this contest with a link to this post or QOTC. Another option: If you don't have a blog, you can send an email with the contest info and my blog address ( to at least five people and add my email (danyelle to the list. Come back, leave a comment to let me know you linked up or sent an email & you'll receive TWO contest entries.
All comments and post links/emails must be made before 10 am (Central Time) on July 21st. Around noon, my one year old will choose a name from a hat. The winner will be posted that afternoon. Be sure to check back! The winner will need to email me within 48 hours with their mailing address. If the winner does not contact me within that time, another winner will be chosen.
Good luck, everyone!