This week, I am reviewing, Caught in the Headlights: 10 Lessons Learned the Hard Way by Barry K. Phillips.

We’ve all had those “deer in the headlights” moments when we realize we’ve been chasing the wrong things. Caught in the Headlights is a frank, insightful look at 10 key goals most of us think we want – only to discover our eyes are on the wrong prize. Barry K. Phillips not only entertains, but also examines common values and enlightens us to the goals we should seek, and what to do differently now that we know better.
From goals such as happiness, self-esteem, protecting our pride, or the perfect physique, Phillips takes a closer look at those aims prized by society and explores how we can pursue higher goals. A thoughtful, funny, and at times profound look into the real reasons we all have for the things we do, this book will entertain, enlighten, and inspire.
OK, I have to be honest here - when I first got this book, I was more excited about the fact there was a foreword by Glenn Beck than anything else. I'm a huge Glenn Beck fan. But then I wondered, how in the heck did this guy get Glenn Beck to write a foreword for him? So I checked out his author bio in the back of the book. Turns out Barry K. Phillips writes for Glenn's Fusion magazine. Very cool. Now,I'm definitely more interested in reading his book.
Caught in the Headlights is a short book - only 104 pages long from beginning to end. I read most of it while sitting on an airplane to Pennsylvania. While it may be small in size, the message of the book leaves a much bigger impression on the reader. While each of the ten topics are subjects I've thought about in the past (and have learned from as well), I found Phillips point-of-view refreshing, honest, and straight to the point.
I loved that each chapter started with a hand-drawn cartoon. I especially liked the cartoon for the chapter on Pride. Picture this; A woman and man are standing around the water cooler at work. The woman says to the man, "I used to think I suffered from too much pride . . . but then I discovered that I'm just better than everyone else." Yep, that was me in high school. Talk about a hard trait to over-come.
At the end of each chapter, the author writes a poem that summarizes the chapter and what you were supposed to learn from it. At first I thought, Oh man, this is going to be totally cheesy. How embarrassing. I was pleasantly surprised - I actually enjoyed them! Let me share one with you. This one is on success:
I know I'll never be wealthy,
I'll just never be dealt that card.
Because if I had lots of money,
I'd simply stop working so hard.
With financial concerns behind me,
I'd ensure that my life would still count.
By doing even more worthwhile things
Not tied to a dollar amount.
I'd invest a lot more time and money
Into people instead of banks.
Rather than dividends or compound interest,
My reward would ge a simple, "thanks."
I'd make no excuses to my children
For games missed because meetings ran late.
No matter how much my family needs my attention,
They could count on me clearing my slate.
But for most of the rich in this world,
That's not how they spend all their hours.
They're busy amassing more fortunes
To build up their ivory towers.
Many people dream of the life
That the other half all seem to live.
But happiness isn't found in more money;
It's found in the time that we give.
So, though I may never have money
Or riches for the world to admire,
I look at the lives of those with it
And see that's not what I desire.
When I get caught up in the rat race,
Where power and greed often lurk,
I remember that while on their deathbed,
No one wishes they'd spent more time at work.
Caught in the Headlights is a fun book that you'll actually learn something while chuckling here and there. If you like self-help books - or you know someone who needs help shifting their focus on priorities - then Caught in the Headlights is just what you're looking for. You can purchase Caught in the Headlights by clicking here.
QOTC Review: Four Stars