One of my favorite blogs, LDS Fiction, is hosting a Summer Book Trek. Since I'm a reading addict, I thought it would be totally fun to join in!
My summer book list:
Heaven Scent by Rebecca Cornish Talley
A Modest Proposal by Michele Ashman Bell
Farworld by J. Scott Savage
13th Reality by James Dashner
House on the Hill by Annette Lyon
Out of Jerusalem: Of Goodly Parents by H.B. Moore
Don't You Marry the Mormon Boys by Janet Kay Jensen
Red Dragon Codex by R.D. Henham
The Moroni Code by Jack Lyon
The Independence Club by Rachel Ann Nunes
Sting! by B.J. Rowley
Shades of Gray by Pamela Carrington Reid
I only have evening and weekends to read, since I'll be finishing my Teaching Special Spirits manuscript. But I'm pretty sure I'll finish this list . . . and end up adding more!
Anyone else want to join in on the reading fun? You can pick any books you want to read. There's no limit (even one or two is fine!). You can be any age, too. I'm thinking of signing up my six-year-old. She takes after mom and reads, reads, reads. The best part . . . there are prizes and awards!
Happy reading!