As you can see from the blog above, Rebecca's Young Adult novel, Heaven Scent, is in the middle of a blog tour. I bet you'd all like to learn more about Rebecca, right? Right!
QOTC: What was your favorite activity in high school?
Rebecca: Checking out the guys. Was there any other reason to attend high school? I did play basketball, but enjoyed the boys' games way more than my own.
QOTC: Do any of your kids play basketball? Is that where Liza's love of basketball comes from?
Rebecca: My kids wouldn't know a sport if it came up and hit them in the nose. My kids are all performers, not a sports kid in the bunch. I wanted Liza to be the kind of player I wanted to be, but never was.
QOTC: What scent reminds you of your mom?
Rebecca: It's called Patchouli. I still have her bottle. It's a distinctive type of oil-based perfume that works differently with each person's body chemistry.
QOTC: What is your most memorable father-daughter moment?
Rebecca: My father died when I was four years old, but I have a vivid memory of walking along the breakwater, next to the harbor, in Santa Barbara, holding his hand and squealing when the sea spray splashed us. I take my kids there every time we visit Santa Barbara and tell them the same story and walk where my daddy and I once walked.
QOTC: Which of Liza's traits is most like you?
Rebecca: I've been known, especially in my younger days, to say things I shouldn't. And, I've given a few people quite a tongue lashing (well-deserved, of course). I have improved with age, though. Things still pop into my head, but I don't blurt them out as often as I used to.
QOTC: What is the one trick you've learned that helps you balance family time vs. writing time?
Rebecca: I don't know that there's a trick. I just write when I have a bit of time. My family comes before my writing so I'll always choose my family, but I try to sneak writing time in whenever I can. I've found that if I actually schedule time in my day-timer for writing, it usually happens because I'm very list-obsessed.
QOTC: What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?
Rebecca: Blue Bunny's Chocolate Seduction. With a name like that, it has to be good, right? Oops, maybe that's a line for Smuckers Jams and Jellies--ah, well, it still works.
QOTC: Ooh, that sounds absolutely sinful! Why don't you grab a dish while I tell everyone else about the contest I'm having. Thanks for hanging out, Rebecca!
Heaven Scent Give-Away Contest
Da Rules:
1.You must correctly answer all questions correctly. Answers can be found on either Rebecca's website, QOTC blog, or the Internet.
2.All answers need to be emailed to me at: danyelle@familyclan.org by Monday, June 23rd at 8 am Central Time. My one year old will draw the winner's name from a hat. The winner's name will be posted by June 24th (my mom's birthday!). The winner will have 24 hours to reply with email and snail mail addresses.
3. The lucky winner will receive one copy of Rebecca Cornish Talley's novel, Heaven Scent.
Da Questions (some of which are totally random, cause I'm in a random mood!):
1. When Rebecca played high school basketball, what award did she receive?
2. What's "Milk's Favorite Cookie"?
3. How many kids is Rebecca raising?
4. What's Danyelle's new chocolate addiction?
5. Who illustrated Rebecca's children's book, Grasshopper Pie?
6. Who said, "The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them"? Hint: Check out Rebecca's website.
7. What's the next blog tour coming to QOTC?