Today, I have the opportunity to review Forged in the Refiner's Fire by Candace E. Salima & Elizabeth A. Cheever. This book has been on my mind a lot this past week, as our family has been experiencing another of our own "Refining Fires".
A month ago, my husband's grandfather had a terrible stroke. As we visited him in the hospital, we were so impressed by his positive attitude and how hard he worked to regain his speech and writing skills. And he did! Then, two weeks ago, Grandpa was once again admitted into the hospital. At first, we were concerned about blood clots, but then discovered Grandpa was in the advance stages of lung cancer. A few days later, he went home to have family and hospice care for him.
Last Saturday, my husband and I traveled to Missouri and helped Grammy, his uncles, and mom care for Grandpa. I came home Sunday evening to pick up our kids from the babysitters, while John stayed behind. Early Monday morning, I had been dreaming. Then suddenly, my dream changed. I could see Grandpa lying in his bed, peaceful and calm. And I just knew. He had returned Home to Heavenly Father and Grandpa was saying good-bye. I woke up. It was 5:30 am - right on the dot. A little bit later, the phone rang. It was my husband, letting me know Grandpa had peacefully passed away around 5 am. From Monday to late last night, tears have flowed, but peace has filled the hearts of all our family members.
It was during this time, I thought off and on about Forged in the Refiner's Fire. We each have different trials we'll experience throughout our lives here on earth. Every trial effects us differently. One person may think a particular learning experience to be easy, while another may feel it's the most difficult thing they've ever faced. No matter what the trial is, I've learned it's ultimately our attitudes that effect the outcome. Did we lean on Heavenly Father and His Son? In moments of anger, frustration, sorrow, and pain, did we kneel and ask for help? Did we call a friend for support? Did we persevere and continue to care for our children? Or did we submit and let ourselves be overwhelmed, drawn into a dark pit of hopelessness, which Satan hopes we'll never be able to crawl back out of?
Forged in the Refiner's Fire is filled with true stories, written by a variety people - from the average, hardworking spouse, to caring parents, to celebrities. In each chapter, the author shares one of his refining trials, the divine guidance received along the way, and the outcome and lessons learned through his perseverance. The overall tone of the book is uplifting and inspiring, and leaves me with a feeling of humility and gratitude for my Father in Heaven - and with a renewed attitude of enjoying every day of life.
Today, just before posting this, I searched through the book and wanted to share a little gem that helped me this past week. This is from Chapter 18 by Donna J. Goff. Donna shares an acronym which has been running through my mind:
Fully Relying on God's Son
What a simple way to remember our purpose every day - to rely on our Savior.
Also, here's a link to Forged in the Refiner's Fire book trailer. I previously posted it on QOTC. It includes an interview with Candace Salima.
I highly recommend this book for anyone in your home, at work, or down the road.
QOTC Rating: Five Stars
Forged in the Refiner's Fire Book Give-Away
Normally, I like to do something fun with my book give-aways, but because I just returned home from out of state late last night, this give-away is going to very simple. All you need to do is:
1. Leave a comment on this post before noon on July 2nd. If you use the Anonymous option, be sure to include your full name.
2. On July 2nd, my one year old will choose a name from a hat. The winner will be posted that afternoon. Be sure to check back! The winner will need to contact me within 48 hours with their mailing address. Candace Salima will then send you an autographed copy of Forged in the Refiner's Fire. If the winner does not contact me within the time alloted, another winner will be chosen.
Have a wonderful weekend, everyone.