I have been wonderfully surprised at all the gorgeous blooms that have been popping up in our front flower beds. The first ones up were the daffodils, followed by the early tulips and hyacinths.

Even Anna liked the flowers!

Now my flower beds have popped up with some gorgeous white flowers tinted with pink and yellow. Of course, I can't remember what any of the correct names for these plants are - but believe me, they are pretty, pretty, pretty. There were actually some other really pretty tulips that bloomed with these flowers, but they didn't survive our last set of thunder storms. BTW - I had a bit of fun editing some of the pics.

I planted bulbs that are supposed to be popping up in late spring and early summer. If everything goes right, I'll post up pictures of those as well. My kids have been totally enjoying the garden, pointing out all the plants as they start to push through the soil, grow and bloom. It's been a lot of fun. I'm so excited to finally have a garden and flowers that are thriving, rather than dying!