Mail is the demon of clutter at our house. It doesn't matter if it comes from our mail box, school, or from my kids - you can find it all over my counters, kitchen table, and even piled on the piano bench. In an effort to de-clutter, I found this tip from, of all the odd places, my March planner pages.
"A cluttered pile of mail is an unwelcome sight. I like to deal with mail as soon as it hits my kitchen table. I toss unwanted envelopes and catalogs and set aside the mail that deserves my attention in an "in-box" which, for me, is a basket. I designated a regular time to go through the mail, and that way I've been able to give it the proper attention when I'm ready to." - Claudia Caruso
I would love to hear more tips on how you organize your mail. Help me and other Queen of the Clan readers by sharing your mail organizational wisdom. Simply leave your tips in the comments section.
Good luck conquering the mail!