Can You Hear the World Through My Ears?
Can you hear the World thru my ears,
that hum that fills my head.
I think it would be amazing to you
how I ever go to bed.
The sounds at school, the bus, the hall,
they fill our everyday.
The thunder of children’s passing feet
can make my nerves go fray.
I try to work and learn like others,
and you can see my efforts, no doubt.
But even that “Good job, Cameron,”
if too loud, can make me totally freak out.
I want to forget the heater, the lights,
the bells, and the one chewing gum.
So sometimes when it’s all too much,
I begin to run, flap, and hum.
I know there are places that I need to go,
to gym, to music and to lunch.
But all of them can be overwhelming,
and make me spaz a bunch.
I know I need your patience to learn,
grow, and overcome my fears.
I just hope and pray you can try to hear
the World thru my ears.