Did you miss me last week? I thought a lot about posting, but was never able to get to the computer long enough to write anything down and actually post it.
This past week, I helped some friends of ours by watching their kindergartner and baby girl, who is just a few months younger than Anna. I enjoyed having their kids over—Rob especially appreciated having extra play mates while his older brother and sister were at school. And Anna was thrilled to have another mini-person to crawl around with. In fact, she was so excited she actually started walking while playing with her little friend! The sad part? Towards the end of the week, both the girls started teething at the same time. Imagine two cranky babies who felt like there wasn't enough Tylenol in the world to make them feel better. Poor chickies.
While we mostly had lots of fun, I had to forgo many of my weekly habits. Such as my trips to Olathe Nutrition for a shake while Rob's at preschool. I missed my girl-chat time with Eddie and Kelly, my nutrition consultants. My family missed that I wasn't able to run day-time errands. We actually ran out of milk and it took me two days to get to the store to buy more. Heaven forbid! MJ was unhappy when she couldn't have her favorite cereals for breakfast. Sorry, no Lucky Charms. How about eggs instead? Oops—did we run out of those, too? Poptarts, anyone??
No only was I busy during the day, our family was swamped with activities at night. Monday night was Family Home Evening, MJ's Brownie meeting, and I had a yearbook committee meeting. Tuesday, Isaac had scouts. While John was at scouts with him, I threw all the other kids into the tub for a little cleaning time, then off for a late bed-time. Wednesday night, I weighed in at Olathe Nutrition for the Biggest Loser Contest . . . then snuck off to Olive Garden for dinner with John (hey, I may not win the competition but after lots of late nights at work on John's end, I just wanted to spend some time with no kiddos and my hubby). Thursday night, MJ had a Dino Show at school. It was very cool. The first grade sang songs and told us all about dinosaurs. Very educational—or at least I think it was. Rob was being a bit cranky and I got to see MJ, but not hear much of the program. Then we come to the absolute ultimate—Friday night. Our elementary school held their Annual Fun Fair. This year's theme was “Leap Around the World”. Quite appropriate as it was held on Leap Day. We dropped Anna off at a babysitters and picked up another little boy, whose dad just had his wisdome teeth taken out and wasn't in the mood for festivities. We had a BLAST! John took Isaac and off they went. I took Rob, MJ, and Karl. We played lots of carnival games, visited with friends, and just had lots of fun, fun, fun. When John and I met back up again, we bribed the kids with cotton candy and loaded them back into the van. It was way, way past bedtime by the time we dropped Karl back off at his house, picked up Anna, and returned home.
So you'd think we'd all sleep in on Saturday, right? Not at the Ferguson home. The kids are up by 7 am, just like clock work. The boys were cranky from lack of sleep, but refused to rest some more. MJ and I went out to run errands, which included stocking up on groceries again. The weather was absolutely gorgeous! John and I wanted to take the kids to play at the park, but the boys just wouldn't co-operate by playing nicely. Instead, we opened the back doors and let the kids run free in the back yard. Sunday brought another beautiful day. Unfortunately, I woke up with the throbbing head cold. John stayed home from bishopric meeting so I could rest. At the last minute, I dragged my pitiful body out of bed in time to pull on clothes, pack my stuff for my Sunbeam class, and joined my family for the last two hours of church. Thank goodness I had prepared lots of activities for my Sunbeam lesson ahead of time. The kids enjoyed learning about the Day and Night. After church, we came back home and I plopped back into bed.
Yes, nuts I know. And think, that was the short version! But hey, at least it kept life interesting. And I know several of you reading this are thinking of your own similar experiences. So tell me—what was your craziest day or week like?